Thursday, August 27, 2020

Eating Disorders1 essays

Eating Disorders1 articles In ongoing history, the possibility of ladylike magnificence has been moving toward a less solid, excessively slight model. Over 25,000 years back when people initially developed, ladies misrepresented their regenerative organs, similar to bosoms and hips, utilizing ripeness images. Thin ladies were not viewed as delightful on the grounds that they didn't appear to be sufficiently solid to feed and raise a family, or endure the winter. Thin ladies were likewise viewed as poor, since they couldn't bear the cost of enough food to keep their body full and solid. During the Renaissance time, wonderful works of art from world acclaimed specialists, including Michelangelo, highlighted full-figured ladies. Full figures kept on being well known all through the Mannerism and Baroque periods, which proceeded up through the 1730's. In the mid-1700's, ladies' figures began to change. The ladies started to wear supports, securing up their abdomen to overstate their bends. The supports were agoniz ing however ladies needed to get their abdomen as little as could be expected under the circumstances. In the 1900's, abdomens turned out to be much littler. The Roaring 20's carried radical changes to ladies and their bodies. Little youngsters called flappers got well known. They wore their hair short and innocent, wore turned out stockings and short, loose dresses uncovering their arms and legs. They were characterized as rebels, and humiliated the more established age by the manner in which they dressed and acted. They wouldn't be genteel, and they were wild. Twiggy was the most well known style model in the 1960's, named for her ultra-slight body. She uncovered increasingly more of her stick-like body to the camera, and roused different young ladies to become like her, since she was well known, extraordinary, and wild. The super-thin picture is as yet depicted today, despite the fact that it isn't sound. In the mid 1990's a magazine feature read, You Can Never Be Too Thin. A few ladies truly accepted this, and kicked the bucket of starvation and experienced anorexia nervosa. Young people are legitimately focused on becau... <!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Communication and Its Importance in Creating Conflict Essay Essay Example

Correspondence and Its Importance in Creating Conflict Essay Struggle is essential in all plants of fiction. regardless of whether it may a basic discord in a marriage or inside looking to cover with blame. The existent life condition of affairss of Interpreter of Maladies interface the occupations with speaking with battle that will start. In Interpreter of Maladies. imparting occupations in the short stories â€Å"A Temporary Matter† . â€Å"This Blessed House† . furthermore, â€Å"Interpreter of Maladies† brought about battle. In â€Å"A Temporary Matter† . the battle in was the game that Shoba and Shukamar played. referencing to the revealing one truth about oneself when there were non any noticeable radiations. what's more, the game where they were disguising from one another. trusting to maintain a strategic distance from unbalanced brushs. This was an inside battle from Shukumar’s position in light of the fact that Shukumar was accepting of how to play his following move so as to practically remake the relationship. †Now he needed to battle to state something that intrigued he. something that caused her demeanor to up from her command post. or then again from editing records. † Shukumar thought the aim of the game where the team would divide previously obscure realities was that it would remake their relationship. We will compose a custom paper test on Communication and Its Importance in Creating Conflict Essay explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Communication and Its Importance in Creating Conflict Essay explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Communication and Its Importance in Creating Conflict Essay explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Shukumar thought the game was utilized so as to suit and change the marriage. In any case, he was temperately mixed up. Shoba utilized this game to state him that she was going out. â€Å"It sickened Shukumar. realizing that she had spent these past eventide s fixing for an existence without him. † ( 21 ) . The inward battle in Shukumar was an outcome of miscommunication on Shoba’s divide. She only from time to time conveyed her thoughts and emotions after the unconstrained premature birth. what's more, Shukumar accepting this as an imprint to non talk. This brought about their relationship decelerating lessening. also, in the long run to the point of dismissing. In â€Å"This Blessed House† Sanjeev and Twinkle had numerous fights all through the story in light of the Christian curios that were laid all through the house. Sanjeev trusted it was unrealistic. since both he and Twinkle were non Christian. At the point when he kept on take a firm remaining on disposing of the otherworldly articles. Twinkle demanded looking after them. While Sanjeev had a down to earth and intelligent ground of why. he neer strongly undermined with Twinkle. what's more, continued accepting that he was correct. Also, without the best possible by means of media and imparting. it came about in Sanjeev non understanding Twinkle’s feelings. He was fairly shocked when he saw Twinkle bring in the shower. â€Å"Oh God. if it's not too much trouble Twinkle. I didn’t normal it. † But Finally in the terminal. they arrived at a by means of media and figured out how to go on to the gathering. Yet, the battle emerged on account of Sanjeev’s rudeness and non pass oning his thoughts alongside tuning in to Twinkle’s assault. â€Å"In the terminal they chose a by means of media: the sculpture would be set in a deferral along the edge of the house. with the goal that it wasn’t evident to bystander. be that as it may, was still obviously seeable to all who came. † Even however they go to a by means of media. it was after Sanjeev made Twinkle call. which is a hapless representation of strong imparting. In â€Å"Interpreter of Maladies† . Mr. Karpasi was under an insane conviction that Mrs. Das was keen on him. The battle was Mr. Karpasi’s interior fight interpreting Mrs. Das’s activities and discovering whether she enjoyed him or non. â€Å"As he took looks in the back position reflect. folding versatile sets over Tina’s hair. he considered how he may do this visit a little more. † He expressed that he was an interpreter in the account. Mrs. Das derived that he was a therapist or healer that would bring around her of her blame that she had been keeping in. Anyway she was mixed up. Mr Karpasi fundamentally was a transcriber for a doctor. â€Å"†¦But numerous individuals do non talk Gujarati in this nation. counting the doctor. Thus the doctor requested that I work in his office interpreting what the patients state. † He did non treat any comprehension in the field of which Mrs. Das was keen on. At the point when Mrs. Das was asked by Mr. Karpasi concerning why she enlightened him regarding the knave kid. Mrs. Das said. â€Å"Well don’t you have anything to state? I imagined that it as your occupation. † Mr. Karpasi reacted with. â€Å"My occupation is to give Tours. Mrs. Das. † Mrs. Das proceeded with. â€Å"Not that. Your other occupation. As an interpreter. † Mrs. Karpasi replied with. â€Å"But we do non go up against an etymological correspondence boundary. What request is there for an interpreter? † Mrs. Das completely misjudged Mr. Karpasi in what he implied as an interpreter. She was simply keen on Mr. Karpasi in light of the fact that she accepted that Mr. Karpasi would bring around of her blame. On the opposite. Mr. Karpasi imagined that Mrs. Das was keen on him in a drawing in way. In Interpreter of Maladies. imparting employments in the short stories â€Å"A Temporary Matter† . â€Å"This Blessed House† . what's more, â€Å"Interpreter of Maladies† brought about battle. In â€Å"A Temporary Matter† . Shoba gave Shukumar the inclination that she was looking to change their marriage when her actual aim was to stop it. She other than is liable for their dismissing with one another. In â€Å"This Blessed House† . Sanjeev was unaware to Twinkle’s associations with the Mary sculpture. what's more, continued squeezing his conviction. This brought about a fight where Sanjeev in the long run understood his crime. In â€Å"Interpreter of Maladies† . Mr. Karpasi miscommunicated what his occupation was. which so come about Mrs. Das giving him a vocation that he could non work out. Mrs. Das respected Mr. Karpasi with association since she accepted that Mr. Karpasi can help her. Anyway this brought about her mortification when she told Mr. Karpasi her greatest mystery that she accepted he could choose. Correspondence is vital to the everyday existence of universes. A little mistake in imparting can destruct a relationship or get down an undesirable situation. It is basic that individuals would give so as to make an increasingly steady relationship.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Is Your Blog Helping or Hurting Your Company 16 Ways to Tell!

Is Your Blog Helping or Hurting Your Company 16 Ways to Tell! Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!Is Your Blog Helping or Hurting Your Company? 16 Ways to Tell!Updated On 14/05/2014Author : Uttoran SenTopic : BusinessShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogIt wasn’t long ago that companies were rushing to get a website built and out on the web. Along with the new, shiny websites many companies started blogs to keep customers informed about specials, industry news and any other sorts of goodies that came along. Now that it’s been a while since your site was established and perhaps almost as long since your blog was updated, is that blog helping or hurting you?1. Does Your Blog Have a Purpose? A good blog has a reason for existing on your website. When you built your website, why did you include a blog? Was it because someone suggested it? Or perhaps you felt like it was a good idea? It’s not logical that your blog can help you if yo u don’t even know why you have it.2. Does Your Blog Reflect Your Company Image? Successful companies spend quite a bit of time establishing a brand and image they want to project to others in the industry as well as clients. That attention to brand details should transfer over to the web presence as well. If your logo is on it, it should be making your company look better â€" a blog full of strange pictures, misspelled words or empty categories reflects poorly on your company and image.3. Is Your Blog Useful for the Customer? If your blog is designed to help customers, how is it helping? Are you offering them advice columns? Suggestions for how to use a product? Industry news? Put yourself in the shoes of your customers or potential customers to see if there is anything that would be interesting or useful in place on your blog.4. Is Your Blog Updated Regularly? Often readers follow blogs or look for updates frequently. If you’re not posting at least once per week on the blog â€" and posting something interesting to actually read â€" you’re losing value and readers. Steady readers stick around for interesting things, not sporadic updates. Always maintain optimal blogging frequency.5. Do You Have Readers? If you have a blog, you should know about your readers. If you’re not using some sort of analytics program to track the readers, check out their reading habits and the time they are on your site, you’re not doing enough with your blog. It only takes a few minutes to set up analytics software to monitor web pages and usage. The information is priceless, of course.6. Are You Active on the Blog? Let’s say you write a post on your blog about a new way to use the widget you’re selling. A potential customer posts a comment on the post asking a question about the widget. If you’re active on the blog, you can answer the question promptly and hopefully secure a sale. If you’re never on the blog, the customer never gets an answer and a sale is lost .7. Are You Too Busy For Your Blog? If you’re doing your very best to blog but you can’t seem to make it fit in your schedule, perhaps you’re just too busy for the routine of it. You have a few options, of course, if blogging is a priority. You can have someone else update the blog for you, you can try arranging your schedule in a different way or you can simply let it go and continue to post sporadically. Remember, the best blogs are those that are updated frequently, however.8. Is Your Blog Obviously Not Updated? A visitor sees your website and starts looking around. He then notices that your last blog posting was for the big January special. It’s now July. How much can you possibly care about doing business if you can’t even post a new special in six months? See how frequent you should update your blog.9. If Your Blog Accessible? The company blog should not only be full of interesting and useful things for readers, followers and hopefully clients, but it should be ea sy to find as well. If readers can only manage to stumble across the blog by digging two or three levels into your site through clicks and links, they aren’t going to bother. Consider your site design at this point to decide if you should feature your blog and blog posts more prominently somehow.READ5 Simple Steps To Faster Broadband Connection10. Does Your Blog Lack Credibility? Grammar mistakes, misspellings and typos make not only your blog look sloppy, but they make your business appear unprofessional as well. If you proofread your blog posts then this wont happen. What type of business has blatant typos on the company site?11. Do You Need the Blog? Blogs are a lot of work to maintain properly. To make it worth your while, your business should be some sort of return from the project. If you’re getting customers and building consumer confidence with your blog, that’s probably enough to continue the project. But if you’re faithfully updating and not a single person is cl icking or buying, it’s as if the blog as no connection with the business at all.12. Can You Make the Blog More Useful? If you’ve determined that your blog is there and sitting at a neutral or negative position, are there ways to make it more productive and profitable? Consider your customers and what might help to draw them in. Perhaps include a poll for readers or discuss possibilities with others in your industry through forums or meetings.13. How Do You Compare to the Competition? Do other companies in your niche of business have a blog? If so, how does yours compare to theirs? If they don’t have a blog at all on their sites, this may mean that there is little value for you to make a blog for your company. Or it may mean that you’re unique because you can build such a great one. Only research and a bit of trial and error can help you figure that particular question out.14. Is Your Blog Optimized? A blog is an extension of your business website. You have probably done a bit of research on your own blog and perhaps you’ve arranged for a company or individual to help manage the search engine optimization of your website for you so that your business is found easily in search results. But have you made certain that you’re optimizing your blog posts as well? Blog posts are easy chances to focus on very specific elements of search engine optimization â€" it can bring you new customers through good search terms. You can refer 15+ Tips To Optimize Images For Search Engines and other SEO Tips.15. Does Your Blog Allow Comments? Comments on a blog are a double-edged sword at times. They can be extremely useful because comments show that others are interested in what you’re saying and they give others a chance to discuss your products, services or ask and answer questions. Of course, there is a down side to this as well if clients complain through comments or if you don’t take the time to monitor the comments carefully, they can reflect poorly on th e business overall.16. Is Your Blog Part of a Bigger Picture? A blog is an excellent piece of your social media arsenal, but it is not the only weapon in the cache. Your blog should be the starting point for a flurry of social activities every time you post. Write a post, link to it from Facebook. Tweet about your newest post and perhaps even “Pin” a few of the pictures. “Digg” the articles or put them on Google + for additional readers to follow. With a full range of social media possibilities, the blog is simply a starting point for even more effective marketing efforts.This article is written by Uttoran Sen. He is a freelance writer and an expert Shopify E-commerce Website Builder.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Oppression, Suffering, and Poverty of Men in Jane Eyre Essay

The novel Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Brontà «, depicts the coming of age of a woman who encounters great hardships, obstacles, and heartbreak. During the Victorian era women were subordinate to men and often times lacked the same opportunities and privileges that society and the family structure gave to men. Although society and the family structure of the Victorian era treated men and women differently, men were also oppressed, experienced suffering, and had to overcome poverty, but due to the masculinity that men were forced to portray during the era often times the hardships of men have been overlooked when analyzing the men in Jane Eyre. The characters John Reed, St. John Rivers, and Edward Rochester suffer various forms of lack and poverty†¦show more content†¦When explaining the outcome of John’s life to Jane Robert Leaven says: [John] could not do worse: he ruined his health and his estate amongst the worst men and the worst women. He got into debt and into jail: his mother helped him out twice, but as soon as he was free he returned to his old companions and habits. His head was not strong: the knaves he lived amongst fooled him beyond anything I ever heard. He came down to Gateshead about three weeks ago and wanted missis to give up all to him. Missis refused: her means have long been much reduced by his extravagance; so he went back again, and the next news was that he was dead†¦they say he killed himself. (255-256) John Reed’s social and family structure fails to serve him. Instead of creating an equal and stable life or a wealthier lifestyle with his inheritance he becomes a gambler and loses most of his families wealth and most importantly his life. Not only does he impact and ruin his life, but also he causes his mother to have a stroke and eventually her death. John Reed appeared to have power and wealth, but because the stress and constraints that society placed upon him he crumbled and fell victim to ruin. John Reeds lack of a fatherly figure to aid in his guidance and the structure of his social and family aspect of life helped lead to his suffering in the novel. Overall there exists a dominating moral suffering for the male characters in the story. Similar to JohnShow MoreRelatedCharlotte Bronte: The Social Critic1732 Words   |  7 Pagesworld. Charlotte Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s Jane Eyre had a similar effect upon the mindset of Victorian society, as its publication ended the silence on social justice and set off an ‘eruption’, leading to sweeping reforms. The novel revolves around the moral and spiritual journey of Jane Eyre, an orphan who values freedom and struggles to break free of Victorian-era standards. Brontà « satirizes these standards through her portrayal of the lower classes, mental illness, and orphans. Jane is critical of Victorian EnglandRead MoreLiterature And Composition Of Jane Eyre2903 Words   |  12 PagesSummer Reading Assignment Name: Bunji Bayasgalan AP Literature and Composition Jane Eyre Before returning to school, you will need to read Jane Eyre and complete this organizer, which will guide your reading and prepare you for the quiz, discussions and related assignments. You may use this packet for the quiz. SECTION 1: Background Research The better you understand the Victorian era, the deeper your understanding of Jane’s experiences (and Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s themes) will be. Use the space below

Thursday, May 14, 2020

College Essay College Societal Problems - 2312 Words

College Societal Problems Since the birth of the first ever college institution in Athens, Greece society’s view of college and the college life has changed drastically. College issues are being brought into attention on a much larger scale than ever before. For example, shows all over the United States are turning college into a comedy, making college seem like a joke when it is becoming increasingly more important every day to have a college degree in order to get a decent/good paying job. Many shows and movies portray college in a very negative way exaggerating all the partying, drugs, and time not spent in class or actually studying. They aim to uncover the problems with college sports and how kids are beginning to focus more on what they do on the field rather than how they excel in the classroom. Although plenty of students struggle with the balancing act of athletics and education, there are also plenty of students who are great examples of how to balance out the two and prosper in the classroom. Although some colleges around the country are known for partying, that is not what defines them, and many of them are still great schools to attend to obtain a degree. For example, in the popular television series known as Blue Mountain State they portray college in a negative, unrealistic way by exaggerating partying, sex, drugs, alcohol abuse, and idea of â€Å"football over everything,† giving a negative view of college life and/or college students. For most people, whenShow MoreRelatedDefinition of Success1195 Words   |  5 Pagesstandards of success: academic success, societal success, and financial success. Academic success is important because it is strongly related to the positive outcomes we all value. 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According to Mills, one of the ways by which we can understand societal change andRead More Cheating Essay1055 Words   |  5 PagesCheating There is an ever broadening problem spreading throughout colleges all across America: cheating. Is it a serious offence or just a harmless crime? Cheating is on the rise, but schools and colleges are not far behind with ways of dealing with it. Mark Clayton deals with this issue in his essay entitled â€Å"A Whole Lot of Cheatin’ Going On.† Clayton’s essay is heavily quoted along with an obvious absence of his ideas. The reader is supposed to believe that his quotes accuratelyRead MoreCodes And Regulations On Campus1456 Words   |  6 PagesAs some colleges are consider placing speech codes and regulations on campus because of allegations concerning racist speech and harassment. There are some, such as, Cinnamon Stillwell and Charles R. Lawrence III, who are in favor of speech codes because they consider some of the actions a form of harassment. 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I will focus on how they relate to two significant experiences in my life and how these experiences were critical to my developmentRead MoreSocietal Influence and Identity Formation Essay1058 Words   |  5 Pagespeers, the so-called every-day environment of people. But people should understand that the identity formation is within the person and nobody can distract people from this goal. This essay will focus on the relations between identity formation and societal influence on this current and long process. Types of societal influence on people’s identity are numerous. First, the important role on this process is attached to media and television. Due to the process of globalization and international integrationRead MoreSuicide Theories.758 Words   |  3 PagesThere are many different theories surrounding suicide. This essay shall briefly describe Durkheim s Sociological Theory of suicide and Freud s Psychoanalytic Theory. Psychological autopsies shall then be discussed which have contributed to Shneidman s shared characteristics of suicide. Suicide victims and prevention will also be discussed. Durkheim s Sociological Theory of suicide identifies three different types of suicide - egoistic, altruistic and anomic. Egoistic suicide victims feel thatRead More1950s Nostalgia1298 Words   |  6 Pages1950s Nostalgia Real and Imagined Stephanie Coontz is a professor of Family History at the Evergreen State College in Olympia Washington. She is a nationally recognized expert on the family and an award winning writer. In her 1997 book â€Å"The Way We Really Are: Coming to Terms with America’s Changing Families†, Stephanie Coontz wrote an essay entitled â€Å"What We Really Miss about the 1950s†. In Stephanie Coontz’s â€Å"What We Really Miss about the 1950s†, she argues that we as a

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Pros and Cons of Genetically Modified Foods Essay

nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The most wonderful activity a human being can experience is new flavors and foods. For example, the first time a person tastes a delicious juicy piece of prime rib or a delightful hamburger with cheese and ham, his world is never the same. However, since the beginning of the twentieth century, the production of food has been supplemented by science. This has triggered an angry dispute between the people who support the advances of biotechnology and people who love nature. In order to understand the controversy, we have to know the meaning of genetically modified foods. With new technological advances, scientists can modify seeds from a conventional seed to a high tech seed with shorter maturation times and†¦show more content†¦The key is in the production. The growth of GM crops is faster than the conventional seeds. For that reason, farmers can produce more and more. These seeds are resistant to cold and hot weather and have more chances to resist d ryness than the others. Also, these crops are herbicide resistant; that means that farmers can spray with herbicide and defeat the weeds without altering the crop. For that reason, a lot of money is saved by the reduced use of pesticides, and the cost of production is benefited. Almost 8.25 millions farmers all over the world planted genetically modified seeds in 2004, compared to 7 million in 2003, said the international Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA)(â€Å"Biotech† 1). In addition to the strong production, as John B. Alfred, a professor in the department of food science and technology at Ohio State University, said, â€Å"These foods are as safe and nutritious as their conventional counterparts†(Alfred 1). These GM plants are modified to produce proteins that plants would not produce by natural means. They grow up with built-in Vitamin A that prevents blindness in people who have Vitamin A deficiency. Scientists have also created GM potatoes which absorb less oil when fried. That means less fat in the potato, converting popular french fries from junk food to nutritious and healthy food. Scientists have also developed an apple with a built-in vaccine which prevents childhood pneumonia (â€Å"GM Food† 1). These are onlyShow MoreRelatedPros And Cons Of Genetically Modified Food1421 Words   |  6 PagesFood, we need it to survive and thrive. Food is our source of nutrition and energy. When we consume food and water, our body breaks food down into tiny particles and sends the nutrients throughout our bodies through blood. This is called digestion. According to science, nutrients are one of the four requirements of life for all human beings. Every day, we are faced with choices about our foods. Do we eat fast food, healthy, organic or non-organic? Should we eat genetically modified foods and howRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Genetically Modified Foods1960 Words   |  8 Pages Over seventy-five percent of the foods that are buy in grocery stores contain a genetically modified ingredient. Humans have been domesticating plants ever since 11,000 BCE. Scientists have been breeding plants together with traits that are considered beneficial to humans and trying to intensify the traits that help humans survive. By altering the genetic structure directly, scientists can efficiently give it specific traits in a more controlled environment and avoid the hit or miss aspect of naturallyRead MoreGenetically Modified Food - Pros Cons2979 Words   |  12 PagesApril 2012 Genetically Modified Food: World Wide Panacea or â€Å"Frankenfood† to Fear? Never before in history has mankind so masterfully commanded its food chain. Thousands of years ago, much of our species made the leap from a hunter-gatherer level of subsistence to an agricultural society. With agriculture, slowly but surely many modifications were made to plants and animals used and domesticated by us for the purpose of feeding ourselves. New specialized varieties with specific desirable traitsRead MorePros and Cons of Genetically Modified Food Essays589 Words   |  3 PagesPros and Cons of genetically modified food, or GMOs Genetically modified foods are a types of foods that have been genetically changed, to add or get rid of an unwanted trait in a food. For example, seedless oranges. This is a type of orange that is genetically modified (had tits genes changed) specifically so it would grow without seeds. Many foods are genetically modified today. Oranges, corn, tomatoes, potatoes, squash, and many others have had their genes changed. In fact, the average personRead MorePros And Cons Of Genetically Modified Foods2687 Words   |  11 PagesGenetically modified organisms, GMOs for short, are becoming more popular in food around the world. Scientists take genes from some different organisms to add different qualities to specific crops, like corn. With that, however, comes many unfaced challenges like the cross fertilization of natural and modified organisms, resistence to pesticides, and health complications, to name a few. As GMOs are becoming more widespread, it is also becoming more evident that thei r presence is hazardous and theyRead MorePros and Cons of Genetically Modified Foods2267 Words   |  10 Pagesdomesticated animals later and then selectively bred both plants and animals to meet various requirements for human food. Humans discovered natural biological processes such as fermentation of fruits and grains to make wine and beer, and yeast for baking bread. Manipulation of foods is not a new story, therefore. The latest agricultural discovery uses genetic engineering technology to modify foods. Farmers and plant breeders have been changing crop plants to improve characteristics such as size, resistanceRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Genetically Modified Foods1809 Words   |  8 PagesAs the spread of commercialized genetically modified foods (GMF) products rise, the number of people exposed to genetically modified foods incline globally. The term genetically modified foods can be used interchangeably with transgenic foods, genetically engineered crops (GE) and Recombinant DNA technology and therefore defined as the enhancement of foods in which a gene of interest from one organism is extracted and inserted into the target organisms. (1) The genes of interest may be cells fromRead MoreEssay on Pros And Cons of Genetically Modified Foods3322 Words   |  14 Pagespossible benefits, from helping farmers, to improving foods, to helping the environment, to helping sick people. Genetic engineering may even one day be used to help solve world hunger. However, it also has its dang ers and risks, which need to be considered along with its benefits. The fact that not everything is known about genetic engineering, and that large corporations use it to make a profit, is scary to many people. The recent technology of genetically engineering crops, plants, and animals, whichRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of The Labeling Of Genetically Modified Foods918 Words   |  4 Pagesthan 70% of packaged foods contain GMO in the US market, there are no regulations to mandate the labeling of GM foods by the US government. Currently, the US federal government does not require any mandatory labeling of GM foods, unless the nutrition of GM foods has been changed or some toxins and allergens have been added to the GM foods (McLure). According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (â€Å"FDA†), there are also no mandatory programs to regulate foods from genetically engineered (â€Å"GE†) plantsRead MoreGenetically Modified Foods, Pros and Cons persuasive essay.1883 Wo rds   |  8 Pagesoverpowers the bad. Many experts argue that Genetically Modified foods are actually beneficial to, not only people, but animals, plants, and the world overall. Some experts even state that, not only are they beneficial, but that they also protect the environment and aid food productivity. Most farmers actually recommend GMO’s because they are easier to grow, maintain, and tend to be more profitable; however, countless other experts have come to realize that GMO foods are untested, unsafe, and unhealthy.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Pricing Strategies of Itc free essay sample

Pricing Methods To set the specific price level that achieves their Pricing objectives, managers may make use of several Pricing methods. These methods include: †¢Cost-plus Pricing set the price at the production cost plus a certain profit margin. †¢Value-based Pricing base the price on the effective value to the customer relative to alternative products. †¢Psychological Pricing base the price on factors such as signals of product quality, popular price points, and what the consumer perceives to be fair. Price Discounts The normally quoted price to end users is known as the list price. This price usually is discounted for distribution channel members and some end users. There are several types of discounts, as outlined below. †¢Quantity discount offered to customers who purchase in large quantities. †¢Cumulative quantity discount a discount that increases as the cumulative quantity increases. Cumulative discounts may be offered to resellers who purchase large quantities over time but who do not wish to place large individual orders. We will write a custom essay sample on Pricing Strategies of Itc or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page †¢Seasonal discount based on the time that the purchase is made and designed to reduce seasonal variation in sales. For example, the travel industry offers much lower off-season rates. Such discounts do not have to be based on time of the year; they also can be based on day of the week or time of the day, such as Pricing offered by long distance and wireless service providers. †¢Cash discount extended to customers who pay their bill before a specified date. †¢Trade discount a functional discount offered to channel members for performing their roles. For example, a trade discount may be offered to a small retailer who may not purchase in quantity but nonetheless performs the important retail function. Promotional discount a short-term discounted price offered to stimulate sales. Approaches to Pricing: Pricing as the most effective profit lever. Pricing can be approached at three levels. The industry, market, and transaction level. Pricing at the industry level focuses on the overall economics of the industry, including supplier price changes and customer demand changes. Pricing at the market level focuses on the competitive position of the price in comparison to the value differential of the product to that of comparative competing products.